Do you always have spare craft supplies in your car, or is that just @carterlazy?
• Monday, Sept. 30
• 7-9 pm
• DM for address and to RSVP
Bring craft supplies to share (or not) and join us for a cozy night in- doodling, shaping, cutting, gluing, building, stringing, CRAFTING!
Our lives are busy and stressful, and in the midst of it all we love a moment to sit and just focus on making a friendship bracelet. Or building a clay figurine. Or making a vision board collage.
Crafting can reduce stress + anxiety, improve your mood, help boost your self esteem, and even activate your parasympathetic nervous system. It’s good for us to slow down and be together and make new friends.
We hope you can make it 🖤
We’re nice, we promise.
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